
Foldersizes font problem encoding
Foldersizes font problem encoding

foldersizes font problem encoding

Changed Audit.SetIgnoreSummaryFields and Audit.SetIgnoreCalculations to clear field cache, so the setting is applied sooner.Added UNNotification.AddFile and UNNotification.AddImage functions.Allows to have one trace log file per thread. Added Trace.GetServerLogPath and Trace.SetServerLogPath functions.Added TextView.GetStyledText, TextView.SetStyledText and TextView.AppendStyledText functions.Added RemoveAll and ReturnNewList parameters to QuickList.RemoveDuplicateItems function.Added prefix/postfix operator for List.IndexOfFirstValueMatching, QuickList.IndexOfFirstValueMatching, List.CountValuesMatching and QuickList.CountValuesMatching.Added menu entry for help menu to show MBS Preferences dialog easier.Added ListDialog.GetUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors and ListDialog.SetUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors functions.

foldersizes font problem encoding

Added JSON.GetArrayItems function to work with huge JSON arrays.

foldersizes font problem encoding

Added iOSApp.ReadReceipt function to read iOS and Mac App Store receipts.Added ImageCapture.SetItemsAddedScript function.Added GMImage.GetFontFamily, GMImage.GetFontStretch, GMImage.GetFontStyle, GMImage.GetFontWeight, GMImage.SetFontFamily, GMImage.SetFontStretch, GMImage.SetFontStyle and GMImage.SetFontWeight functions.

foldersizes font problem encoding

  • Added FileDialogWatcher.GetLastPath and FileDialogWatcher.Install for Windows in addition for macOS, but doesn't work as FileMaker uses older APIs.
  • Added CURL.GetOptionCustomRequest, CURL.GetOptionPostFields, CURL.GetOptionURL and CURL.GetOptionUserName functions.
  • Added CURL.GetEffectiveMethod and CURL.GetRetryAfter functions.
  • Added CoreLocation.requestLocation function for macOS.
  • Added WindowsLocation functions to query location of PC on Windows 7 or newer.
  • New functions in 10.4 and Announcement in blog. Param ( ] $BasePath = ' C:\ ', ] $FolderName = ' all ', ] $OmitFolders, $AddTotal ) #Get a list of all the directories in the base path we're looking for.Release notes for version 10.4 - 15th September 2020

    Foldersizes font problem encoding